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In Deep Water

In my little corner of the world, we just experienced one of the worst natural disasters in America. My family and I were spared from the catastrophic flooding in our neighborhood, but many of my friends were not.  My church was not spared.  What is left is hard to put into words.  The waters have receded in most areas, but there are still areas of town where the waters are still trying to claim houses, land, and anything else in its path. The devastation is truly unbelievable.

And sometimes you feel guilty that you were spared and they were not...but...

People need help and because I was spared, I get to help.

Though our church building was not spared entirely, our worship center was and our pastor decided that we could help with what we had, and so the mission began.

Over the past three days, we have started a laundry unit, taken in over 500 bags of smelly, wet, water-swamped laundry, returned over 300 bags of laundered and folded clothes, taken in donations by the truckload, redistributed those same donations, "mudded out" numerous homes, demo-ed the part of our church that was flooded, fed people, prayed with people, talked with people...and when evening comes, we are tired.  But we are good.  And we feel blessed.

Yesterday was a long day.  It was hot, I was sunburned, my feet were killing me and I was exhausted when I got home.  I knew I had another long day ahead of me and I wasn't quite sure how I was going to make it.  I decided to text my family and ask specifically for prayer for endurance, stamina and strength--not only for myself, but for my kids and husband who have also been helping.  I fell into bed last night, hardly remembering the moment I laid my head down.  When I awoke this morning, my feet were still hurting and I could barely walk, but I was especially anxious to get some quiet time in with the Lord.

And on that side note--isn't it funny how when we get busy doing good for others, we put off spending time with the Lord?

I hobbled downstairs, made the coffee and sat down to soak in the words of God.  It was a beautiful and refreshing time.  I then had a quick breakfast and got ready for the day.  By the time I walked out of the door, I was no longer in pain and I felt a renewed strength and energy.  I headed to the laundry unit and I confess I was not looking forward to another long day sitting outside, taking in bags of laundry and redistributing the clean bags back to their owners.  It was especially humid this morning--and any of you who know heat and humidity know how uncomfortable that can be to work in--but I knew God would provide and I would be able to endure.

Sometime during the morning, I got a text from a friend of my sister.  She wanted me to know she was praying for me and my family.  This was unexpected, but I was delighted.  Then a little while later, another friend of my sister's texted me, and then another, and then another, until 6 people I hardly know, offered me prayer, support and encouragement.  Tears came to my eyes as I began to get a glimpse of what heaven will be like...believer linking arms with believer, all in one accord!

And everything I specifically asked for--strength, stamina and endurance--were all granted by my Gracious God!

And so I was spared...this time.  I have work to do and so do you. Houston needs your prayers...your diligent and heartfelt prayers.  The thousands of volunteers around the city need your prayers--but most of all, pray for those who do not know the Lord--that we can truly be the hands and feet of Jesus and that somehow through this tragedy, the light of Jesus will shine!

 "When you go through deep waters,
    I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
    you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
    you will not be burned up;
    the flames will not consume you."
Isaiah 43:2 (NLT)


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