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Can I really do this?

Ah...Spring is around the corner...or least in Houston, it's already here!  One of the things I had to get used to when we moved down here 7 years ago, was the idea that Winter only lasted for a wee bit.  By the end of     January, I  started seeing the trees yearning to release their buds and the flowers and grasses would start popping their heads through the ground.  Though I thought at first that I would miss the cold, snowy days of late spring in Colorado, I soon discovered that I loved planting flowers in February without having to worry about additional frost or snow.  Seven years later, I find that I look forward to the warm, sunny days of Spring.  I look forward to having flowers early in the spring, instead of having to wait until later April or May.

When I first moved to Colorado though, and for several years afterward, I remember struggling to adjust to the climate.  I had lived the first several years of my life in Central California.  Like Houston, we had mild winters with mostly rain and by January or February, my parents were usually out in the yard getting ready for the warm weather.  Colorado seemed so cold to me and I remember never being able to feel warm.  I would turn my electric blanket up to the highest setting and then throw a heavy comforter on top of that.  Though I was always excited for the possibility of snow, walking to school now took on a whole new dimension.  Instead of a light coat, I now had layer upon layer of warm clothing, topped off with a scarf, hat and gloves.  I sometimes felt like the little kid in the movie "A Christmas Story" who was so bundled up he could hardly move!

By the time I moved from Colorado though, I had adjusted quite well to the climate.  I shed the many thick layers I used to wear for lighter, thinner layers and often found myself running to the store in the middle of winter with only a heavy sweater.  Gone was the electric blanket and heavy comforter and most winters, turning the thermostat up to 65 during the day was a luxury.  It was something you got used to.

Moving to Houston has also been like that.  I exchanged the cold, dry days of winter in Denver for the hot, humid days of summer in Houston.  But like with so many other adjustments in life, I find I am beginning to get used to it.  I never thought that I would be able to live in the sub-tropical climate of Houston, but I do.

I see too, that God often presents challenges to us that we think we could never do.  We get our minds set and we determine that we can't, when in fact we can!  Of our own free will?  Possibly.  In the case of this writer, however, I claim complete incompetence.  I honestly do not have a strong enough will to do many things, but I do know someone who does.  Through Jesus, I can do whatever task He calls me to do.  With Him, I know that I will be given the tools I need to complete the job or endure the situation I am given. Philippians 4:13 is a verse that many Christians like to quote "I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me." (HCSB) It's a great verse and worthy of remembering, but I find myself looking to Philippians 1:6, which says, "I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (HCSB) That tells me right there, that He will be with me until the job is done! What a comfort to know that I don't have to figure out how to do these tasks on my own! I just simply have to TRUST in Him! Yes, it really is that simple. It's usually me that makes it hard and complicated.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways." This is the LORD's declaration. "For as a heaven is higher then earth, so My ways are higher then your ways, and My thoughts then your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9


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