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To Women who love children of all ages, Happy Mother's Day to you!

To the woman who desperately wanted to have children, but God said, “No”...
          I cannot comfort you or ease the empty ache of your soul, but my Lord can.

To the teachers who have no children of their own, but pour tirelessly into the lives of other children…
          Is “thank you” ever enough to say? You touch and influence far more than you know.

For the nurses working in the hospitals taking care of the sick and dying children…
          What compassion, grace and mercy God has given you to gift these little ones with some peace.

To the childless woman who takes on the role of aunt or guardian with fervor, love and endless delight…
          Your love is immeasurable and your time is spent in ways that can never be repaid.

For the social worker who sees the very worst situations in which our children live…
          Your strength to continuing trying to right the wrongs is not unnoticed.

To the therapists who work with the physically and mentally disabled and bring a little more joy to each child…
          Your rewards are few, but are reaped each time you see one of those children move forward, having learned much from you.

To the mother whose children are wayward…
          God knows, he sees, he understands, he loves and has compassion—for you and your children.

For the women who are stepmoms…
          Your job can be wrought with difficulty, but the rewards can be great. Persevere! You may have great influence on a child.               Know that God’s love will always work through you.

To the woman who wanted a large family, but God gifted you with one child…
          You are blessed! You are loved! Your role as a mom is equally as important as those moms who have more than one. You               are not less anything. You are simply blessed by the Lord.

To the women who have fostered children…
          What beauty you have been able to show a child, if only for a little while.

To the moms who have adopted children…
           Words are not enough to express the love the Lord has laid on your hearts to make these children your family!

For the moms who have lost a child in death…
          Blessed are you who have been able to love so generously.

For the women who lost a child through miscarriage…
          This is not the end and one day you will be reunited with your little one again.

For those suffering silently from the pain of abortion…
          God forgives. God doesn't

 hold grudges. God knows. He still loves you.

For the moms who also get to add “grandma” to their resume…
          What a reward to get to experience! Enjoy! Laugh a lot and smile, knowing that you too are passing along the gift of God’s               love to those precious grandchildren.

And lastly, for the rest….you know who you are…
          You are mom. You give and give some more. You love and love some more. You teach and teach some more. You forgive               and forgive some more. You know you wouldn't trade the job in for any other, even on the bad days. It’s not just something               you do. It is you, no matter where you are in life or how young or old your children are. You have been blessed. Give thanks.           Be grateful. Spread your joy to others!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you on this list. Keep doing what you are doing!  You are spreading out God's cloak of love, protection and peace.

..."How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, ..."  Luke 13:34 (NASB)


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