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Living with Leapfrogs when you move at a Turtle's pace (or vice versa!)

I admit it.  I am NOT a leapfrog.  I'm not exactly a turtle either, but I do move at the pace of  turtle sometimes.  It drives my leapfrog family and friends a bit nutty.  I don't mean to drive them crazy, but I often times move at a different pace.  I'm a thinker.  I'm cautious.  I ponder.  Probably a little too much of all of those things at times...

On the other hand, my leapfrog family and friends drive me a bit batty at times.  They get excited over a new idea and want to pounce on it right away, without giving it much thought.  Forget caution and who has time to think? Let's get it done---NOW!

I do enjoy having leapfrogs in my life though.  They are the movers and shakers of the world.  They like to get things done, like to implement new ideas and aren't afraid to jump into new situations.  I admire their lack of fear and their carefree attitude about what could happen.  Of course they often look at me and wonder why I'm not quite as excited about jumping as they are...this is where the conflict part of this relationship comes into play. I'm moving along at my turtle pace, weighing the pros and cons, looking at every facet of the situation and sizing it up.  My leapfrogs are wondering what is taking me so long and I'm wondering what the hurry is.

 As you may have guessed, I married a leapfrog.  He doesn't leap quite as quickly now and I've learned to pick up my pace quite a bit, but we both default to our original settings sometimes.  I've learned so much from being around him and the other leapfrogs in my life.  They've shown me sometimes that taking that leap is really about taking a leap of faith in God and that all of my pondering and turning things over is only slowing me down more.  From my froggy friends, I've learned the value of hopping onto an opportunity, putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward, even when I can't see what is ahead of me.  Their excitement and zeal for life inspires me to pursue the things that God has in store for me.

Lest you think it is all one-sided though, my froggy friends have learned a bit from their turtle-paced friend and family member too.  They've understood that just because they think they have a great idea doesn't always mean it is one, especially if they haven't sought the counsel of the Lord.  They've learned that sometimes God is asking them to wait, which can be so painfully hard.  They've learned that sometimes they need to get out of the way, so that God can get to work and do what he needs to do.  And many times, my little leapfrogs have learned to pray first, rather than pray as a last resort.

I love how God created each of us so different, yet gave each of us talents, abilities and gifts that we can use to build each other up.  Don't despair with the family member or friend that is so different from you.  Rather, see this as an opportunity to learn, to teach, to encourage and to build up.

Ephesians 4:11-13 (HCSB) 
"And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into a mature man with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness." 


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