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Showing posts from 2012

Teenagers are people too, aren't they?

I hear people often times refer to teenagers with great exasperation in their voice.  Before I had teenagers ( I now have three) people would warn me with peril in their voices, "wait until they're teenagers!" From higher car insurance rates to curfews, the intent is to pull a tight reign on teens.  It's not all bad and some teenagers deserve a more carefully watched eye on them.  With all of that said, I ventured into the teen years with great fear that around the next corner, I would suddenly run into a creature that I would not recognize as my own child.  However, as I continued my journey, I kept finding that the creature known as Horrible Teenager. didn't seem to visit my house.  I kept waiting for them to suddenly appear, but to my surprise, Horrible Teenager did not show up.  That's not to say we haven't had our share of missteps, mishaps and issues to deal with, but the awful creature that I had been warned about didn't seem to feel invited to ...

Still thinking...just not blogging...

Some blogger I am!  I start a blog and then only post twice!  I could give you my list of reasons, but the truth of the matter is that my life pulls me in many directions and I get tired.  When fatigue hits my system, I tend to shut down, which also includes shutting down the creative process.  Anyone else relate?  I thought so. Still though, I don't want to give in to the fatigue.  Somewhere from my upbringing, giving in feels like failure and there is always that nagging thought that I need to continue to move forward.  I strive to balance the busy-ness of life with getting adequate rest, good, nourishing food and replenishing my spiritual needs, but I often find that in the end, one of those things gets short-changed. Of course, part of the problem is that I try to accomplish my many tasks from my own strength.  I was reminded of this recently when I had been sick and fighting a cold.  It was one of the worst colds I had experienced in...

Can I really do this?

Ah...Spring is around the corner...or least in Houston, it's already here!  One of the things I had to get used to when we moved down here 7 years ago, was the idea that Winter only lasted for a wee bit.  By the end of     January, I  started seeing the trees yearning to release their buds and the flowers and grasses would start popping their heads through the ground.  Though I thought at first that I would miss the cold, snowy days of late spring in Colorado, I soon discovered that I loved planting flowers in February without having to worry about additional frost or snow.  Seven years later, I find that I look forward to the warm, sunny days of Spring.  I look forward to having flowers early in the spring, instead of having to wait until later April or May. When I first moved to Colorado though, and for several years afterward, I remember struggling to adjust to the climate.  I had lived the first several years of my life in Central Calif...

Joining the world of...

Blogging. There.  I said it.  I've finally done it. I've never really had the desire to blog.  To me, it seemed as if this method of writing was far too personal to share in such a public way.  Yet, as with many "ideas" in life, time or circumstances have changed my opinion.  I do love to write and share my life with others.  This then, seems to be the comfortable shoe I'm willing to wear for a while. My purpose here is to share what I've learned on parenting, homeschooling, marriage, friendships, cooking, family and faith.  I'm not an expert in any of these categories--only a humble learner.  Sometimes I've failed miserably and sometimes I've figured something out and experienced great success.  With each turn of life, I find new adventures and new problems and always an opportunity to grow in my faith.  This then, will be a "peek" into my little corner... Join the adventure with me!