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Showing posts from June, 2015

A Circle of Friends

Yesterday, a friend of mine posted that his mother had passed on.  I was sad for him. I had known his mother as she and his dad had both given me many rides to church during high school.  She was one of the nicest people I had known.  I remembered she worried a lot about him and being in the thralls of being a teenage boy, he often dismissed her concerns. Both of his parents are now with the Lord and while I know he rejoices at that thought, I too, know that kind of loss.   Last week another friend posted that her mother had passed on.  Again, sadness came over me, but I was glad I had known her mother, even if only for a short while. What these two friends had in common is that they were part of a larger circle of friends that I grew up with at church.  Many of the friends in this circle I have known since elementary school. Some I met in Jr. High and some high school. Some of us attended the same schools together, but most of us did not.  Yet, we w...