Have you ever looked back at something and you were surprised by the amount of time that had passed since you engaged in that activity? That happened today, when I realized I hadn't written on this blog in over a year. And what a year it has been. I've had a death, a wedding, my oldest child moving out, my 2nd oldest moving back in, my mother moving closer to me and her adjusting to a new life. That is on top of my regular life which consists of homeschooling and various volunteer activities, as well as just being a parent, a wife, a friend and daughter. I had that persistent nag cross my mind often, which said, "You need to get back to writing on your blog!" But I would ignore it and so here we are...a year later. It reminded me of other things that I have put off. Number one is rebooting my exercise program and getting back to my healthy eating. Another one is cleaning out some closets that are calling my name and another that i...