This is something I have been pondering for a bit. I confess that I don't believe I'm doing a very good job of fulfilling my ministry. I've let too many things get in the way. Here are some of my issues: 1). What other people think of me 2). I'm not qualified 3). The opportunity hasn't presented itself 4). The timing is all wrong 5). I'm so busy, busy, busy..... 6). My family has needs I could list other things, but you get the idea. Do you resonate with any of those "reasons"? I thought so. Usually when I realize I'm struggling with something, I find I'm not alone. Let's get honest here: These are just excuses. Yeah--you heard me-- EXCUSES ! When I exchange the word reason for excuse , then I start to sound a bit whiny and my justification starts melting away. Look at what 2 Timothy 4:2-5 says: "Proclaim the message; persist in it whether convenient or n...