I'm not a computer person. I know how to turn one on, turn it off, post a few things on social media and Hey! I even have a blog! But if my computer crashes, gives me an error message, or comes up with some other new venture to explore, I'm usually asking my kids or hubby for their help. Oh, I've journeyed into trying to fix some issues myself, and I've even occasionally been successful, but I always know I've gone too far when the message pops up, "would you like to restore to default settings"? Duh. Of course I would. Oh--but wait--will that get rid of that other program I just installed? What about my latest downloads? What about my favorite screen saver? Did I remember to save that paper I was just working on? Will I be able to find my websites? I had them saved in my favorites.....oh crumb! What do I do? DO I STILL HAVE ALL MY PICTURES????? Here is the definition I found in the dictionary: ...