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Showing posts from January, 2012

Joining the world of...

Blogging. There.  I said it.  I've finally done it. I've never really had the desire to blog.  To me, it seemed as if this method of writing was far too personal to share in such a public way.  Yet, as with many "ideas" in life, time or circumstances have changed my opinion.  I do love to write and share my life with others.  This then, seems to be the comfortable shoe I'm willing to wear for a while. My purpose here is to share what I've learned on parenting, homeschooling, marriage, friendships, cooking, family and faith.  I'm not an expert in any of these categories--only a humble learner.  Sometimes I've failed miserably and sometimes I've figured something out and experienced great success.  With each turn of life, I find new adventures and new problems and always an opportunity to grow in my faith.  This then, will be a "peek" into my little corner... Join the adventure with me!